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Company History

James Sargent founded a company under his own name, James Sargent Lock Company to design and manufacture high security products.

1860 - 1861
James Sargent invented the Micrometer, an instrument that was used to pick and defeat combination and other locks, the "Sargent Magnetic Bank Lock" and the "Sargent Automatic Bank Lock."

The firm of Sargent & Greenleaf located in Rochester, NY was first organized.

A federal contract was obtained to provide safe locks for the U.S. Treasury Department … the first of many on going government contracts which has spanned over 130 + years.

Mr. Sargent invented and patented the first time lock for bank vaults.

S&G produced jail locks for the first time and became one of the largest producers until the early 1950's.

The S&G products from the 1910 catalog includes bank locks, combination locks, key locks, time locks, safe locks, door locks, cabinet locks, padlocks, prison locks, gate locks, trunk locks and post office locks.

1923 - 1940
Post World War I depression and the great depression of the 30's saw the addition of builders hardware products including a reversible panic exit device, a class room wardrobe, heavy cast lavatory stall hardware, push and pull plates and other miscellaneous hardware such as banking, jail, chest, baggage, crept, and safe locks were added. The development a new concept in changeable-key safe deposit locks and the Timebination lock took place during this time.

1940 - 1945
During the war years, S&G's entire facilities and special skills were devoted to ordnance work such as the production of guidance systems for torpedoes, depth charges, projectiles, and special combination locks for weapon storage and arming.

1948 - 1970
S&G produced the first MP manipulation proof combination lock for the government cabinets and safes. S&G starts to produce additional builders finish hardware items such as panic exit devices, door holders, door closers, door alarms and door accessories. S&G developed and produced the first digital access control.

S&G discontinued the manufacturing of builders' hardware products. S&G develops electronic locks and products that include enunciators, alarm systems, light systems, high security electronic locks and access controls. Digital access controls developed by S&G included: Cyper Locks, Security Access Control, Digitrol, the Brute, and CodeTronic.

S&G relocates to a manufacturing facility in Nicholasville, KY.

S&G opens a time lock manufacturing operation and European sales office in Lausanne, Switzerland.

1981 - 1988
S&G develops and manufactures new products which include: two movement timebinations, time movements, time locks, single and double changeable safe deposit locks, convertible dial, railroad padlock, safe key lock, Gr. 1 vault locks, Key Op safe lock, electronic time lock, high security exit device, and government high security padlocks.

S&G is awarded a DOD contract for high security padlocks.

Production starts on the 6120 series electronic safe lock products.

1994 - 1996
S&G develops, manufactures and markets the Arm-A-Dor® product line.

1996 - 2004
S&G develops, manufactures and markets new products such as: Comptronic® Safe Locks 6124, 6125, 6126, 6128, 6150 and 6140, A Series ATM Locks, Pulsetronic®, and ASK™ Automatic Safe Keeping System.

2005 - TODAY
The Stanley Works, a worldwide manufacturer and marketer of tools, hardware and specialty hardware products for home improvement, consumer, industrial and professional use, acquires Sargent & Greenleaf. Sargent and Greenleaf, Inc. becomes a wholly-owned subsidiary of Stanley Security Solutions, Inc.

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